To follow up my recent post on women’s desire, I’m pleased to feature author and editor Leigh Ellwood today, to share the details of her recent collection Coming Together: Girl on Girl, which I’m proud to say includes my story “The Princess’ Princess.” Take it away, Leigh!

Thanks for inviting me. Coming Together: Girl on Girl is Coming Together Press’s first collection of lesbian erotica and erotic romance. Many of the contributing authors are well-known in the genres, some have contributed to past Coming Together books, and there are a few new faces.
I write many genres of erotica and romance, and have a few bestselling lesbian titles, including She Loves Me, a finalist for the Goldie Awards. And knowing that lesbian erotic romance is a growing genre in digital publishing led me to choose this focus to do something on a larger scale for Coming Together, a charity press to which I have contributed in past.
The specific charity I have chosen to receive all profits from the book is the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which helps all LGBT people with legal and social issues. I became aware of the NCLR when it fought to help an elderly same-sex couple who faced separation after one was hospitalized. If you’ve seen the first part of If These Walls Could Talk 2, it’s a similar story. A couple not legally recognized could face the loss of their partner, their home, and other property. Some of these stories are heartbreaking to read, and this book will help NCLR in their efforts to put an end to such injustice.
The contents of the book include an introduction by Lambda-winner Debra Hyde and the following stories:
- The Princess' Princess (Salome Wilde)
- Sundae, Bloody Sunday (Lisabet Sarai)
- Angel (Ms. Peach)
- Hot Air (Slave Nano)
- A Taste of Vanilla (Leigh Ellwood)
- The Trade In (Stephani Maari Booker)
- New Girl (Harper Bliss)
- Same But Different (Kate Atwood)
- Fair As the Moon (Laurel Waterford)
- On Display (Sophie Mouette)
- Tough Enough to Wear a Dress (Teresa Noelle Roberts)
- Snow Blind (Jean Roberta)
- All Keyed Up (Scarlet Chastain)
- Ghost Lights (Erzabet Bishop)
- Winner Take (Andrea Dale)
- Worth the Wait (Beth Wylde)
The eBook sells for just $2.99 and is currently available at Amazon, ARe, and Smashwords. (Click the link to take you to the book at the site of your choice.)
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For more about the prolific Leigh Ellwood, visit or She can also be found on Facebook ( and on Twitter @LeighEllwood.